A Persian night with Neyestan

A Persian night with Neyestan
Neyestan is a collective of young Iranian musicians, centered around the sensational Santour player Kourosh Matin, performing the popular purely classical Persian music based on Rumi and Hafez and modern poetry, which will attract the Persian and other communities in Abu Dhabi alike. Singer is Solmaz Badri.
Kourosh Matin studied with several leading Persian Santour masters, like Parviz Meshkatian and Pashang Kamkar. He himself is lecturer in orchestral performance and orchestration of Iranian musical instruments at Tehran Arts University and at the Markaze hefz-o-eshae, center for the preservation of traditional Iranian music. He is also a researcher on the relationship between music and architecture.
Outside the Neyestan Ensemble he composed and played Santour on the songs of the widely hailed album Sokout, by the late singer Iraj Bastami, the “Nightingale of Bam”, who died in the earthquake in that city.
The program will consist among other pieces of the mode Dashti
1.Mihan, composerd by Kourosh Matin, poem by H.A.Sayeh
2. Solo on the Santour
3. Avaz Dashti, poem by Hafez
4. Baran, composed by Kourosh Matin
5. Solo on the Oud
6. Rendane bisaman, composed by Kourosh Matin, poem by Hafez
7. Improvisation on the Santour and Oud
8. Chupani, composed by Parviz Meshkatian
گروه موسيقي ايراني نيستان در فستيوال صداي عرب در ابوظبي به ياد استاد پرويز مشکاتيان به اجراي برنامه پرداخت.
گروه نيستان به سرپرستي و آهنگسازي کورش متين و با خوانندگي سولماز بدري در 15 مي 2010 در تئاتر شهر ابوظبي قطعاتي را در آواز دشتي و بيات ترک با اشعاري از مولانا،حافظ و هوشنگ ابتهاج (ه.ا.سايه) به اجرا در آورد.
اين برنامه که مصادف با پنجاه و پنجمين سالگرد تولد استاد پرويز مشکاتيان بود در انتها با اجراي قطعه چوپاني از اين هنرمند فقيد به پايان رسيد.
احسان امامي (عود)، نادر فولادي نسب (بم تار)، ساناز ستارزاده (تار)، رهي سينکي (تار)، ترگل خليقي (رباب)، مرضيه رحيم زاده (سنتور باس)، مسلم عليپور (کمانچه)، نايان صحيحي (کمانچه)، شيما شاه محمدي (قيچک آلتو)، سعيد دولت زارعي (ني)، مجيد مير رحيمي (تنبک) و کورش متين (سنتور) گروه نيستان را در اين برنامه همراهي نمودند.